"Praise Is Due to You, O God": 12 July 2015 AM and PM

Sunday Morning: O God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, Giver of all good gifts, we pray for your Church throughout the nations, specifically in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea, and the rest of Asia: sustain these brothers and sisters through the hard and happy times. Look upon their needs and provide them with all good things necessary for them to do the work you have called them to. Give patience and joy to all the parents as we raise our children in your righteous ways. Aid the single that they may resist the pressures of our world and keep themselves chaste. Strengthen the young adults to continue to follow Christ faithfully. May these children (younger and older) embrace the Christian faith we have been handing on to them through Sunday School, Faith Alive! and in our homes. And for all of us, may the fruit of the Spirit…..grow large in us. We call out to you for those we know who need to believe in Christ and repent of their sins, those...