"My People Israel"
In 1st Kings 16.2, what does God call the apostate, idolatrous Church in the north? First, allow me to make a seriously important point. The Westminster Confession of Faith rightly claims that there is one church from Adam to eternity (25.1). The story of Israel and Judah united, and then Israel and Judah divided is the story of the Church of Jesus Christ under the Old Covenant. Now, looking at 1st Kings 16.2, notice what God calls His Church and He says it twice. Think of it, here is the northern “Church” -- idolatrous, violent, faith-breaking, apostate to the gills; and God affectionately claims her as His; “My people Israel”! The broken, scandalous, splintered Church is still His! In desperate need of reformation & resuscitation, yes; but His nonetheless. In serious need of reclamation and reconstruction, no doubt; but His nevertheless. The Spirit corrects our skewed notions here. We must be cautious in claiming that the apostate “churches” are not Christ’s Church. God s...