Humility and Worship

Vanhoozer states, “ Humility is the manner of life worthy of the gospel, the key feature of Christian citizenship, the way a disciple enacts the mind of Christ” ("Pictures at a Theological Exhibition," 211). This is crucial, not only with regard to truth and Christian love , but especially to worship . The modern notion of worship evidenced all around us seems skewed. Presently it looks as if we moderns strut about before God and demand he pay homage to us. At heart we seem to think that God’s chief end is to glorify us, and enjoy us forever. But there is a better and more fitting way. “ Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you ” (James 4.10). These words help to put everything into proper perspective with regard to Christian worship. Even the rock group, U2, says, “If you wanna kiss the sky, you gotta learn how to kneel.” That’s the God-designed pattern of Christian living, and even more, the God-formulated model of Christian worship. This pattern ...