"Bad Therapy" by Abigail Shrier. A Review-ish

We know things aren’t right. Something is off kilter, but instead of correcting course, we feel we are either adrift and unable to become moored to the dock or are on a hamster wheel that just keeps going round and we can’t get off. That’s what makes Abigail Shrier’s new book, “Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up” such a valuable book. Full of critique and analysis, Shrier shows how we’ve over-therapeuticized our kids, and have given up our parental responsibilities to the professionals: “We parents have become so frantic, hypervigilant, and borderline obsessive about our kids’ mental health that we routinely allow all manner of mental health expert to evict us from the room” (xiv-xiv). This 320-page hardback also comes in Kindle and Audiobook formats for those who find them easier. Since there are hundreds upon hundreds of reviews by readers available, I’ll simply make some quick observations. The work is long on critique and diagnosis, and short on remedy. Mo...