"We pray for..." 21 June 2015 PM

O our Lord and our God, we pray for your World and your Church; we pray in the name of your Son Jesus Christ; we pray knowing that you have promised to hear us. O Lord, hear our prayer. We pray for the distressed and the self-confident nations of this world, that you would preserve your Church in every land by granting each realm your peace and prosperity, while restraining war, blood-feuds, graft and corruption; O Lord, hear our prayer. Almighty God, give ear to our spoken and unspoken worries, misgivings and doubts about the economic, political and legislative future of our country. Grant what is best for the good of the citizens of this land and for the peace of your Church; O Lord, hear our prayer. O our God, we remember these who are in need…turn their sorrow into celebration, their suffering into strength, their anger and pain into wholeness and health, and their worries into faith. O Lord, hear our prayer. We pray for the people in our lives and in our heart...