For Thanksgiving, Troubles, and Relationships - 27 November 2022

(For thanksgiving): Through all the changing scenes of life, in trouble and in joy, the praises of my God shall still my heart and tongue employ. Fear Him, ye saints, and you will then have nothing else to fear; make you His service your delight; he’ll make your wants His care (Trinity Hymnal #624, v.1 and 6). As a congregation, we give thanks to you, O God, for all your care and sustaining mercies (…). We ask you to awaken our hearts – hearts often numbed by the rush and rumble of our daily lives – awaken our hearts to be consistently thankful and grateful for the big and simple things we are given. Things like daily bread, children and grandchildren, friends, parents and grandparents, the ability to enjoy the taste of food and wine, and also a church family. Grant us the wisdom and will to promote peace with all people, as far as it depends on us. O Lord, hear our prayer. (For troubles): We remember those who are thrown around by the stormy seas of emotional and phys...