"Behavioral Activation for PTSD" By Lisa Campbell and Karie Kermath. A Review.
Behavioral Activation for PTSD: A Workbook for Men: Reduce Anxiety and Take Charge of Your Life by Lisa Campbell PhD My rating: 5 of 5 stars I'm not a professional psychologist or therapist; and I'm not a trained and certified counselor. But I am a Christian minister who wants to have some useful tools and aids I can employ in helping others who have experienced serious trauma and find themselves hampered, harmed or hollowed-out by the event. Therefore, when the publisher asked if I'd be interested in reviewing the 186 page workbook "Behavioral Activation for PTSD: A Workbook for men; Reduce Anxiety and Take Charge of Your Life," I jumped at the opportunity. Lisa B. Campbell, a psychologist for the Department of Veterans Affairs, and Karie A. Kermath, a trauma survivor, have teamed up to craft an easy-to-grasp-user-friendly guide to assist men with PTSD, and find a doable path to recovery. This text is simple to read and comprehend and written with the non-tec...