"Don't Be Stupid" by Joshua Beck. A Review.
Don't Be Stupid.: A Call for Christians to Believe and Live an Intelligent Faith by Joshua M Beck My rating: 5 of 5 stars "It's about clearing away the stupid in the Christian image so our world can see Christ" (151). That's how Joshua Beck ends his little 163 page paperback "Don't Be Stupid: A Call for Christians to Believe and Live an Intelligent Faith". Beck is a teacher of Apologetics and Ethics at a local Christian High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, as well as a writer and podcaster. The book is written in a straightforwardly conversational style that is laid back and comfortable. Almost like sitting down and chatting with the author at a coffee shop. Primarily, the book is not a defense of the Christian faith, but more how to smartly defend what we believe. Yet that description doesn't quite get to the point. It's not about putting on airs, getting all uppity and egg-heady; "The idea...is not simply to be smart. It's...