Vespers - 28 October 2018

(The Deluded) : O LORD, who keeps faith forever; who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry; who sets the prisoners free; who opens the eyes of the blind; who lifts up those who are bowed down; who loves the righteous; who watches over the sojourners; who upholds the widow and the fatherless; but the way of the wicked you bring to ruin (Psalm 146.6-9) : we pray for those who are deluded by others or self-deluded, and in their delusion are ravaging their families, breaking faith with their friends, vandalizing trust and love…open their blind eyes to see themselves for who they are and what they are doing that they may no longer fault others for their own failures, turn, confess their sins, and find you forgiving them and cleansing them of all unrighteousness. O Lord, hear our prayer. (The Heartbroken): We pray for those, who like Job, find themselves with broken hearts, crying out “why?!” and surrounded by those who will not or cannot understand....