
Showing posts from October 25, 2020

"Robust and Resplendent God..." Vespers - 25 October 2020

  O God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; one God who is simultaneously three persons in eternal love and joy: thank you that you made all creation and creatures out of love and joy; and out of love and joy you will not let us go but are actively working out the restoration and liberation of your sin-enslaved, sin-damaged creatures and creation. Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost ! Robust and Resplendent God, please take note of our world situation; the destroyed families, homes and livelihoods crushed under the heel of demonic and despotic powers; ethnic tensions promising to explode; regions ravished by this revolution and then that one; people groups hunted down and decimated by reigning powers; populations writhing under poverty and pecuniary paralysis. Yes, please take note of our world situation: defeat that which is evil and advance that which is good! O Lord, ...

"White Guilt" by Shelby Steele. A Wee Book Review

  Shelby Steele, the Robert J. and Marion E. Oster Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, specializes in the study of race relations, multiculturalism, and affirmative action, gives a nice analysis of the shift away from personal morality to social morality in the U.S.A., and the illustrative comparison between Eisenhower and Clinton was very effective. If Eisenhower had done what Clinton did, he would have been booted. If Clinton had said what Eisenhower said (using the N-word) he would have been booted. There's more to the story of the book, but the role of White Guilt, the craving for White absolution, and the need to regain moral authority, was very helpful. Some things a bit dated, but it was written in 2006. Highly recommend.