
Showing posts from May 28, 2017

"Slow Church" by C. Christopher Smith and John Pattison. A Short Review

Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus by C. Christopher Smith My rating: 3 of 5 stars Let's be up front. On one hand this book was disappointing to me, especially the left-of-center positions politically and (sometimes) theologically. On the other hand "Slow Church" scored big points and made great observations! Patterned after the "International Slow Food Movement" model, "Slow Church" takes on the MacDonaldization of "Fast Church" and the homogenization principle of the Church Growth Movement. "Many churches, particularly those driven by church growth models, come dangerously close to reducing Christianity to a commodity that can be packaged, marketed and sold" (14). It's a book meant to challenge assumptions and encourage new/old aspirations. The authors are not advocating moving to the inner city, or to a two-thirds world nation, or voluntary poverty, but rather "we're advocating...tha...

"Our Hearts are Lifted Up to You, O Our God" - 28 May 2017

Our hearts are lifted up to you, O our God, in rich appreciation. As Jonathan told his armor bearer when, heavily outnumbered, they took the daring risk to engage the Philistines, “ nothing can hinder the LORD from saving by many or by few ” (1 Samuel 14.6); so there is nothing, no one, no condition, no circumstance, no competitor, no cerebral malfunction, no failure of courage, no catastrophe that can hinder you from saving, rescuing, and triumphing! And therefore, there is no created thing out there or in here that can separate us from your love! Truly in all these things we are more than conquerors – and the seal, the guarantee of this truth is Christ crucified for our transgressions (O what costly love!), risen for our justification (Romans 8.37-39, 4.25), and ascended into heaven to hold sway! We pray on behalf of your Church world-over; this congregation; St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church; Santa Fe Presbyterian Church; Secret Place Community Church; Siloam Baptist Chu...