"Our Hearts are Lifted Up to You, O Our God" - 28 May 2017
Our hearts are lifted up to you, O our God, in rich appreciation. As
Jonathan told his armor bearer when, heavily outnumbered, they took the daring
risk to engage the Philistines, “nothing can hinder the LORD from saving
by many or by few” (1 Samuel 14.6); so there is nothing, no one, no
condition, no circumstance, no competitor,
no cerebral malfunction, no failure of courage, no catastrophe that can hinder
you from saving, rescuing, and triumphing! And therefore, there is no created
thing out there or in here that can separate us from your love! Truly in all
these things we are more than conquerors – and the seal, the guarantee of this
truth is Christ crucified for our transgressions (O what costly love!), risen
for our justification (Romans 8.37-39, 4.25), and ascended into heaven to hold
We pray on behalf of your Church world-over; this
congregation; St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church; Santa Fe Presbyterian
Church; Secret Place Community Church; Siloam Baptist Church; South Pointe
Church; and Southern Hills Christian Church. Raise up a defense
around your people that the evil one may never get a foothold against them;
lift up our hearts when they sag, rain down upon us your refreshment; and set
your way straight before us.
O Lord, be with Teresa W. that she may garner all the support
she needs; and be with the Pardigons; Iversons; Berrys; Shepherds; and
Youngs. Preserve them all from injurious circumstances, infectious germs,
and intimidating peoples. Open doors for them that they may show forth your
love as well as tell forth your good news; and may your hand be upon them for
We pray for unbelievers all around us… bring them to new life in Christ
Jesus the Lord.
Lord God, you who are our raiser-upper and restorer of wholeness; be
with these who are in need, in hurt and in worry….That they may find your
remedy, refreshment and restoration.
Holy God, see the nations and countries world
over: fuming and raging (Syria, Mexico, Yemen and Marawi, Philippines);
firing warning shots and rattling sabers (North and South Korea);
rioting in the streets (Venezuela and Brazil); people blown apart in
cowardly attacks (England); trafficking in human lives (India, Africa
and North America)! Some Governments who should care for the prosperity and
peacefulness of their people are crushing and vandalizing them. Some Leaders
who should be leading in fairness and decency are fleecing their citizens or
corrupting their offices. O dear God, have mercy on our world and on our
country! Bring about civil goodness and justice. Toward these ends direct all world
leaders, such as Tufuga Efi, leader of Samoa; Captain Regent of San
Marino, Mimma Zavoli; and President Evaristo Carvalho of São Tomé and PrÃncipe;
and our State Representatives, including Tammy Tadlock; Tess
Teague; and Todd Thomsen.
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, in whose hands are the living and
the dead; we give you thanks for all those who have laid down their lives in
the service of our country for its protection and in promoting justice; and
especially those in living memory. Grant to their families and friends your
mercy and the light of your presence. And so that their sacrifices may not be
in vain, please keep our nation under your care, and guide us all in the way of
virtue, integrity, morality and truth. In
the name of the One whose death and resurrection gives us hope in the face of
death and grief, Jesus Christ your Son, Amen.