“Suffering in Silence” by Timothy Mulder. A Review.

In what ways can a congregation actually help those with mental health issues? How have churches been harmful and hurtful toward those with mental illness? Are there sensible things pastors and elders can do in this area? Those, and many other questions, get answered by Timothy Mulder, graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary-Houston, who lives with an ongoing bipolar disorder, and his 196-page paperback “Suffering in Silence: Ministering to Those with Mental Illness”. It was written in 2023 “for those in the church who want to serve those with mental illness better” (ix) and, I think, hits its mark. Though the book is primarily dealing with how to help men and women living with depression a bipolar disorder, much of what is between these covers will aid pastors and congregants in serving people with other mental health diagnoses. Mulder addresses commonly held myths about mental illness, and quickly discusses a number of notable people throughout the ages who lived with ongoing menta...