Book Review: "Story-Shaped Worship" by Robbie F. Castleman
Story-Shaped Worship: Following Patterns From the Bible and History Robbie F. Castleman IVP Academic (imprint of InterVarsity Press) PO Box 1400 Downers Grove, IL 60515-1426 Copyright: 2013 ISBN: 978-0-8308-3964-3; $16.00 Reviewed for Deus Misereatur by: Rev. Dr. Michael Philliber Foundational Formularies - 4 Stars out of 5 In my experience, after years of sitting in the pew and now years of standing in the pulpit, many people have given little thought to the "why, wherefore, and how come" of Christian worship. If there is any gauge by which to decipher the rightness or wrongness of any worship service, it is usually a subjective, "Was I blessed" or "I really felt like it encouraged me" kind of decoder ring. That's what makes "Story-Shaped Worship" by John Brown University associate professor of biblical studies and theology, Robbie F. Castleman, an important resource. This easily readable, 224 page paperba...