Icons: Mark 10.17-31

Icons Mark 10.17-31 [I presented this to over 600 teenagers at Casady School on 13 October 2015, and the 25 adults at the Capitol Bible Study on 28 October 2015] Most Protestants don’t get into Icons much, for lots and lots of reasons – some of which I think are correct, and some of which are a bit fishy. Icons are about imaging someone or something, putting it before your mind and eyes and hearts. There’s something of a close connection between the Icon and the person being imaged. One of my favorites is an Icon of Michael the Archangel. I don’t burn incense to it, or kiss it. But because of the name connection I do like having it. This set of true stories is very much about image, about iconing. So let’s quickly work our way through each section. False Image (10.17-22): This young, wealthy fellow has an image he is portraying, a self-image. "I’m well-to-do, I’m upright because I’m right-up-there with the affluent and famed." And so he asked Jesus, “What must ...