"O God, Most High..." - 24 July 2022

O God, Most High, who made all things very good by the Word of your power, and are a God of order and not of confusion: we beseech you to shape the events, strategies, deliberations and relations in our land that we may be a nation and a people who enjoy godly order and godly living; a nation and a people who honor blameless virtue and protect the aged, the unborn, the children, and the defenseless; a nation and a people who respect and promote honest work, ingenuity, quality education, and thrift; and a nation and a people who truly are a land of the free and home of the brave. O God, we ask you to set free the many in our land who are conquered and consumed by their addictions to Meth, prescription meds, opioids, gambling, and much more. And especially in Oklahoma. O God, we implore your kindness, please bring our nation relief from heat, from wildfires, and drought. Please send us the rains and showers we need, in the ways that will be best for the ground, reservoirs, aquifers...