"The Message of Lamentations" by Christopher J. H. Wright. A Review

The Message of Lamentations The Bible Speaks Today series Christopher J. H. Wright IVP Academic www.ivpress.com ISBN: 978-0-8308-2441-0; June 2015; $12.80 Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Michael Philliber 5 out of 5 stars Serious and Simple It’s an odd assertion, but it clearly appears to me that lament and grief have been escorted out of the Church Sanctuary, and in many cases, forced to the leave the premises altogether. Their absence brings many American churches to look plastic, and leaves an emotional hole in the soul of a congregation. If everything must be upbeat in a church, then after a while, only the enthused, and those who can fake enthusiasm, feel they have a place. All others are forced to weep and sorrow in the silence of their empty homes, or in the vacant quietness of their hurting hearts. Yet lamenting is a full partner in the Christian life. This is evidenced by the vocalized grief that courses through the Psalms, the Prophets and all the way to...