"O Lord, You Know..." 1 October 2017

O Lord, you know what we have need of even before we ask; therefore we pray with greater confidence that you hear our words and what we cannot even express in words. We pray for the troubled and tormented peoples in our world, suffering from floods, droughts, hurricanes, unemployment, military threats and fears. We pray for the leaders of the nations, President of Yemen, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi; President of Zambia, Edgar Lungu; and President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe . Please establish peace, judicial integrity, economic stability, and healthy recovery in all lands, for the good of all, so that the Gospel of Jesus may spread unchecked, and that your Church may dwell in peace and quietness. Guide our own national and State leaders away from envy, greed, power-mongering, and injustice toward legitimate fairness, moral integrity, and contentment with what is good in your sight. Give ear to our concerns as we pray for those who are still in their unbelief and for ...