Christ Is Risen!

Because Christ Is Risen! Colossians 2.6-15 At the beginning of this month, many churches around the U.S., and the world, were saying something significant – something we should be saying all year long: Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! But wait! What if Jesus was only “raised” in the hearts of his followers; if only the memory of Jesus was resuscitated and infused into the life-stories of his disciples; if the resurrection of Jesus is just a spring time myth (a rehashing of the Horace/Isis myth); What If all that remains of Jesus is the “spirit” of Jesus; if by “resurrection” we mean only that the timeless-teachings of Jesus still go on; what if the rising of Jesus is only about some fertile freshness blossoming in our hearts? What if!!! Because Jesus is risen from the dead: We Live Different (6-10): Look at all the “walk in him”, “in him” “Rooted…in him” “filled in him” “alive together with him” etc. Because Christ did rise from the dead – body, blood, bones, toenails...