"On this Day of Remembrance" - 19 April 2015 PM

Our God and Father, who has made us your well-loved sons and daughters, we lift up to you our petitions and supplications, appreciating the fact that you know what we have need of before we even ask (Matthew 6.32). O Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are burdened and encumbered with hardships, fears, brokenness, worries and perplexities….Remember them in their need, grant them courage, peace, strength, and be pleased to raise them up to praise and honor you. O Lord, hear our prayer.

By your great mercy, please keep safe and sound our people who are in foreign lands…and sustain their families. O Lord, hear our prayer.

 Guide the nations of the earth, including the U.S.A., so that all nations may cast off the greed and arrogance that feed unjust wars, oppression and slavery. Please provide economic stability, family harmony, and communal healthiness in this State. And prosper our cities and neighborhoods with hospitality, friendliness, and cooperation that cross racial, social and economic lines. And on this day of remembrance, we thank you for those who risked so much; we pray for those who lost so much; and we implore you to preserve us from those who would seek to destroy so much! O Lord, hear our prayer.

O GOD, who spares when we deserve punishment, and in your wrath remembers mercy; we humbly beseech you, of your goodness, to comfort and assist all prisoners [especially…and those facing death]. Give them a right understanding of themselves, and of your promises; that, trusting wholly in your mercy, they may not place their confidence anywhere but in you. Relieve the distressed, protect the innocent, awaken the guilty; and forasmuch as you alone bring light out of darkness, and good out of evil, grant to them that by the power of your Holy Spirit they may be set free from the chains of sin, and may be brought to newness of life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And to this end, bless and prosper organizations like Kairos Prison Ministry (adapted from the Book of Common Prayer – 1928). O Lord, hear our prayer.

O Lord, we pray for your Church in all places, for this congregation; Christ the King Presbyterian Church-Norman; Bible Missionary Church of Deer Creek; Greater Cleaves Memorial C.M.E. Church; Israel Chapel; Springdale Alliance Church. Provide all that we need that we may flourish and accomplish the priestly work you have given us. Strengthen our homes and families that we may be beacons of hope to our neighbors. Save our enemies from self-destructive habits and actions, and help us to be as forgiving toward them as you have been toward us. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Finally, we plead for your sovereign grace to grip the hearts and minds of many, for the salvation of some and the restoration of others…. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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