"Father to the Fatherless, Helper to the Helpless" - 18 March 2018

Our Father, you who are a father to the fatherless, helper to the helpless, defender of those who are defenseless; you see that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves. Please keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, so that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to our bodies and from all evil that that may assault and hurt our souls! We remember these who are tackling and being tackled by specific trials …May it please you to calm, compose, and clear them according to their particular needs. Give them enduring patience under their sufferings and a satisfactory ending to all their afflictions. Please safeguard our country, as well as all other nations in our world, including Kosovo, Kuwait, and Kyrgyzstan. Also, we implore you to direct the hearts and minds, deliberations and decisions of all the leaders in your ways of justice and truth on behalf of the favored and ill-favored, the mighty and meager, and the powerful...