"Daniel: God's Kingdom Will Endure" by Wendy Widder. A Review

It has been said that John Calvin preached and taught through every book of the Bible except one. He avoided The Apocalypse because of how much heat and conflict it generated. I’ve felt that way for years regarding Daniel. But then I found Wendy Widder’s 608-page commentary on Daniel, and jumped in. Widder, an author, teacher, and scholar, has compiled a detailed study of this ‘Major’ prophet called “Daniel: God’s Kingdom Will Endure” which is part of Zondervan’s Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament: A Discourse Analysis of the Hebrew Bible (ZECOT). Because of her style, attention to language details and intertextual flavors, she has pulled together a valuable, readable tome that is friendly to preachers, Bible teachers, and the person who simply wants to grow. The format is fairly standard for the ZECOT series. Each chapter gives the main idea of the passage, takes in the literary context, presents a translation and outline, shows the structure, explains the p...