Revival and Reformation Pt 18: From Panic to Prayer to Praise to Peace

{ Audio File is here } Revival and Reformation Pt 18 2 Chronicles 20 From Panic to Prayer to Praise to Peace Righteous God, through your Spirit’s aid, grant us new eyes and new hearts to clearly comprehend what we have just heard, and to unmistakably absorb what we are about to receive; for the honor of Christ’s crown and covenant. Amen. How do you respond to crisis situations? … Here we see a way to move from panic to prayer to praise to peace . The Crisis : 1-2. The Cry : 3-13. Biblical – rehearses many prayers of earlier godly men; for example David in 1 Chronicles 29; Solomon at the Temple Dedication; Asa in 2 Chronicles 14.11. Bold – This prayer is grounded on a relevant piece of God’s story (3-9); and lays out the present facts (10-11). But the basis of his boldness is the conviction of who God is (v. 6) and that he is “the God of our fathers” (v. 6) and is “our God” (v.7 and 12) – and thus that his words and deeds in the past may be appealed to as evid...