“Knowing Sin” by Mark Jones. A “Sort-Of” Review

There are already plenty of evaluative reviews on this work, “Knowing Sin: Seeing a Neglected Doctrine through the Eyes of the Puritans, ”so I’ll simply go to things I think are worth a little extra focus. The book is easy-to-read. Ideal for teens and twenty-somethings and twilighters. Very fitting for personal devotional reading, adult classes, and seminary material. It is a book I highly recommend. Though the subject is sin, and it’s many facets, nevertheless, it is Gospel driven and Gospel developed. From one end to the other Jones circles back around to the good news of who Jesus is, what he has done, is doing, and will do for his people. Bruised hearts will find themselves held in the nail-pierced hands of the Great Physician. And it’s because of the good news about Jesus they will be guided in diving deeper into the sneakiness and sinisterness of their sin. One of my favorite topics the author gets into is “Sin’s Pride”. For anyone who has read Augustine’s “The City of God”...