
(From my letter to my congregation today - 30 March 2022) I want to tell you about the God of the “Nevertheless”. First, some background, then the point. Last Sunday evening we were walking our way through Nehemiah 9. After God’s people longingly hear the Law of God (9:1-5) it brings them to a long confession of sin (9:6-37). In that confession of sin God’s people are fueled with hope and recount and confess: (1) God’s story from God’s own being, through creation to Abram and all the way to their moment. (2) God’s right to judge them and their forebearers for their faith-breaking. Thus they have no room for blame-shifting. And (3) God’s faithfulness , his faithfulness to justice AND mercy. You might want to listen to the sermon so you can have this outline filled in. If you have the ability to listen online you can find it here: https://www.sermonaudio.com/solo/heritagepca/sermons/32822153703708/ And in this long confession of sin we come to the highpoint of v...