"Luke 14-24: On the Road to Jerusalem" by Dale Ralph Davis. A Review

Luke 14-24: On the Road to Jerusalem Dale Ralph Davis Christian Focus Publications Christianfocus.com ISBN: 9781527106420; January 2021; $19.99 I used to do book reviews for a small firm in Austin, Texas. They would do publicity for self-published works or manuscripts put out by “micro-publishers.” Needless to say, the quality of the books varied greatly. I still remember one novel that was trucking along beautifully, drawing in my attention. Then, about three-fourths of the way through, at the crucial moment, there were ten blank pages with the remainder of the leaves only showing every other line. I was terribly disappointed. Therefore, I’m glad that Dale Ralph Davis, pastor, writer, and seminary professor, has completed his commentary on Luke. The first volume handled Luke 1-13 , and now the second has arrived, “Luke 14-24: On the Road to Jerusalem”. This 256-page paperback follows the same approach as the first book, right through to the resurrection and as...