"Smile & Succeed for Teens" by Kirt Manecke. A Review

Smile & Succeed for Teens: A Crash Course in Face-to-Face Communication Kirt Manecke Solid Press, LLC PO Box 145 Milford, MI 48381 www.smilethebook.com ISBN: 978-0985076214; $9.95; June 2014 5 of 5 Stars Bright and Brief When I was twelve years old I had a crash course in people skills. My father’s deep desire was to be financially independent and he was always looking for a way to build his financial fortunes. One year he invested heavily in a product that was only sold through direct sales, door-to-door and word-of-mouth. He prevailed on me to canvass the neighborhoods around our house as a summer job. I lasted one month and learned a ton about people, as well as the importance of eye-contact, being upbeat, knowledgeable about my product, smiling, and asking for the sale. I did fine that month, but could have used a hand-up to save me some grief. Kirt Manecke has fashioned a wonderful little resource just for young adults in his 144 page paperback “Smile & Succeed for Te...