Hell Pt 2: "What Is Hell?" - (Matthew 25.31-46) Luke 16.19-31

{Here is the second installment. You can go here to get the audio file . Mike} Hell Pt 2: What is Hell? Luke 16:19-31 We stand at the edge, Lord God, and we tremble! Dare we look into this subject? Should we risk it, and glance over the brink? O God, O our God! Have mercy on us, and show us the things we need to know, and make even clearer to us how deep is your love for us in Christ. Amen. Os Guinness once wrote: “Hell is nothing less than the truth known too late” (“The Dust of Death,” 358). On one hand, I would disagree. Jesus talked about hell more often than he talked about heaven so that we would know now and turn to him now. On the other hand, Guinness was right – the truth about hell will become personally real for many and truthfully experienced by many – but it will then be too late. This evening we will take a serious look into this terrifying truth to see what we can, for four reasons: (1) Because Jesus mentions hell more than any other person in the Scriptures...