"Lord, You Have Been Our Dwelling Place" - 6 September 2015 AM and PM

Sunday Morning: Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. (Psalm 90.1-2). Lord God, we pray for all Christian ministers, pastors, priest, Bishops and elders, especially in the greater Oklahoma City area. As you delight to bring about by your grace what the weakness of our nature cannot achieve; we pray that by your holy peace, power, presence and purity, your Gospel would go forth in their ministry as light to illuminate the ignorant; life to revive the dead; fire to purify the unclean; hope to fortify the hopeless; and help to raise up the helpless. For all of our brothers and sisters in Christ who are beat down, bloodied and bullied by persecutors and pursuers, in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and all other places: grant them your relief, buttress them in bold belief, and give them words to bear faithful witness no matter...