"We give you thanks, O Lord God Almighty" - 16 August 2015 A.M.

We give you thanks, O Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was and who is to come, because you have taken your great power and reigned (Revelation 11.17). We ask you to over-rule the atrocious savagery running rampant in many nations, as well as to countermand the legitimizing of slavery and oppression, along with the harassment of your Church. May all nations come to bow the knee to the Lord Jesus, and peace and prosperity prevail in all places. Give your aid and strength to all those in the U.S. Armed Forces; to our peace officers; firefighters, and first responders; may they serve dutifully, bravely and honorably; and may their leaders be people of integrity and nobility, leaders who will protect them from injustice, and promote their safety and wellbeing. Yahweh Rapha, LORD our healer, we ask you to give the doctors, PAs and nurses in this area your wisdom, skill and welfare as they help others. Thank you for the ones who have helped several of our people here;...