"How Good it is to Thank the Lord" - Sunday Morning and Evening 13 December 2015

Sunday morning: How good it is to thank the Lord, and praise to You, Most High, accord, to show Your love with morning light, and tell Your faithfulness each night; yea, good it is Your praise to sing, and all our sweetest music bring . Mighty God, knowing that you continue to preserve, provide for and govern us and our world, we pray that you would release the nations, including our own country, from war, deprivation, pestilence, catastrophe, violence, radicalism, prejudice, repression and privation; that all may know you alone are God Most High and rise up to give you thanks. Give ear to our prayer as we cry out to you for the salvation and restoration of all those who have never become Christians and for those who once made the good confession of faith but have since walked away…..we pray that this Season when so many hear of your great love in sending your Son, that all of the melodies, memories, moments with family, and recitals of your Son’s coming will work...