"Resolve: The Church That Endures Onward" Luke H. Davis. A Review

In a season of bad press, fallen leaders, naysayers, and kooks, how does one convey the positive side of the church’s story? Recently Luke H. Davis, teacher of ethics and Church history at Westminster Christian Academy in St. Louis, has given readers a new and final installment in his “Risen Hope” series that brings his account of the church’s story up to the present. In this 176-page softback, “Resolve: The Church That Endures Onward,” Davis takes on more contemporary Christian men and women to show how they dealt with evil and difficulties in their allegiance to the Lord Jesus. The book is written for teenagers but will be valuable for older adults as well. The author covers a wide array of people from multiple continents and Christian traditions, to give a solid sampling of fidelity and endurance. He covers Sammy Morris, J.C. Ryle, Francis Grimke, C.S. Lewis, Benjamin Kwashi, and many more to give readers a quick tour from the early 19 th century to the late 20 th ...