"Here Are Your Gods" by Christopher J.H. Wright. A Review

Here Are Your Gods: Faithful Discipleship in Idolatrous Times Christopher J. H. Wright IVP Academic ivpress.com ISBN: 9780830853359; September 2020; $18.00 I have a love-hate relationship with some books. I find them feeding my understanding, bringing me to reflect, and arousing my prayers. But I argue and dispute with them most of the way through, sometimes shoving them aside for a time so I can cool off. This was one of those books. Christopher J. H. Wright, international ministries director of the Langham Partnership, Old Testament scholar, prolific author, and lecturer, has pulled together an in-depth examination on idolatry in his newly published, 176-page softback “Here Are Your Gods: Faithful Discipleship in Idolatrous Times”. Part of it will sound familiar to those who have read his chapter on idolatry in “ The Mission of God ”. But Wright takes that material, fleshes it out more fully and goes into places that get painfully close to home – thus my love...