"Resolve" by Will Ertel. A Review

There they are. Seventeen frogs sitting on a log. Suddenly, nine of them decide to jump off. Now, the $50 question is, how many frogs are there on the log? There are still seventeen, because deciding to jump off and jumping off are two completely different actions. And that is the point Will Ertel, founder of Tassel Capital, CPA and financial adviser wants to hammer home in his brand-new 138-page softback, “Resolve: A Personal Financial Planning Book for Twentysomethings Getting Serious About Stewardship”. Ertel wrote this book with one major group in mind, his three twentysomething daughters and their spouses. And what he wrote for them he decided to share with others. He wrote to convince us all to move from deciding to jump off the log, to actually jumping off and diving in. The book revolves around five core exhortations, which end up being the five chapters of the book. Give charitably, set and take action on financial goals, create margin, save and invest in marg...