Revival and Reformation Pt 15: The Reforming Heart

{The Audio File is here . There's more in the audio file than is in the manuscript below} Revival and Reformation Pt 15 2 Chronicles 14 The Reforming Heart Lord God, as Paul reminded us, these things we read are examples written down for our instruction on whom the end of the ages has come (1 Corinthians 10.11). And so help us to attend to your word with diligence, preparation and prayer; receive it with faith and love, lay it up in our hearts, and practice it in our lives (Westminster Shorter Catechism 90); that Christ our Lord may be honored. Amen. What standards do you live by? What is it that says to your mind: “I have arrived?” ... Now let me ask you – has it been really worth it? Has that standard set you free? Or has it been nothing more than a cultural or financial ball-and-chain? And when you’re overwhelmed with insurmountable odds, I ask you, do your “Standards” carry you thru; or do they let you down? And those who set the “standard” for you – where are ...