"The Word Became Fresh" by Dale Ralph Davis; a Review

The Word Became Fresh: How to Preach from Old Testament Narrative Texts Dale Ralph Davis Mentor (A Christian Focus Publications imprint) Geanies House Fearn, Tain Ross-shire IV20 1TW Scotland, UK www.christianfocus.com ISBN: 9781845501921; November 2006; $16.99 5 out of 5 stars: Fresh and Friendly Many people seem to be intimidated and unsettled by the Old Testament. Even among Christians most plainly avoid reading it all the way through. They may glance at little snippets here and there; refer back to it when reading some text from the New Testament that mentions an Old Testament passage; or paste a heartwarming verse from Joshua, the Psalms or one of the prophets on their wall plaques. But truth be told, most Christians find the Old Testament, and especially the narratives, perplexing. And so do many preachers. Ask yourself two questions: (1) when was the last time you heard a sermon series or Sunday School series that walked the congregation t...