Sunday Morning and Evening Prayer - 5 October 2014

Sunday morning:
O Lord God, who draws near to your people, that we may draw near to you; we come in confidence to pray for your World and your Church.

We pray for the nations of this earth, which rage and rush maddeningly against your healthy boundaries, trying to gain the upper hand over you and one another. In place of their fuming and fury, bestow and work into them peace, justice and civility.

Almighty God, grateful for the country where we have been born; we long to see our leaders and fellow-citizens walking in ways that tend toward peace, integrity and fairness. Guide the elections and the voters to select the right people for the good of our country and the peace of your Church.

We pray for our U.S. Military personnel as they serve this country, may they do so honorably. Comfort them when depressed and worried. Preserve their families from unnerving stress. And provide for them all things necessary for their well-being.

Lord, until your Son returns to right all wrongs, and complete what he began at the cross and empty tomb, there is still death, dying, disease and desperation. We pray for all who are suffering in any way (especially these)….restore, rejuvenate and heal.

Lord, we bring to your attention those who have never confessed Christ Jesus as the Lord, those who have strayed away from the faith, and those who claim to be atheists and skeptics…;  Give them new hearts, draw them in and give them to your Son; and provide us opportunities to tell them the Good News of Christ Jesus the Lord.

Watch over and strengthen Pastor John while he is away. Protect him in his travels, guide him as he teaches, prosper his preaching, and bring him home safely.

We pray for Your Church throughout the world. Supply all our financial, physical, communal and holy needs for our good and your glory. For this congregation, we pray that you would add to our number such as are being saved; and grant that as we are bathed in the light of your incarnate Word, that what shines by faith in our hearts and minds may also blaze out in our lives.


Sunday evening:
Holy God, the almighty, invincible, immutable; we worship you and give thanks that you are the one true God, who forms light and creates darkness, who makes well-being and creates calamity; you created the heavens – you are God, you formed the earth and made it – not as an empty planet, but a place to be inhabited. You are the LORD and there is no other. You did not speak in secret, in a land of darkness; you did not say to the offspring of Jacob, ‘Seek me in vain.’ You, O LORD, speak the truth; you declare what is right. Glory to you, Lord God, most high (Isaiah 45.7, 18-19)!

Lord Jesus, while dining at the leading Pharisee’s house that one Sabbath, you freed and healed the man with dropsy giving him rest and restoration on your holy day (Luke 13.11-16); grant the same for those for whom we now pray – those recovering from surgery; those who are tussling with the formidable fear of cancer; those who are limping and lame from inflammations; those who are despondent, disheartened and drained; and others…. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord our God, thank you for the many who seek to make a wholesome difference in our country, state and communities; such as mayors, aldermen and those on city councils; senators and legislators; judges, police chiefs, sheriffs, State offices of various kinds; and all the other positions. They have a hard row to hoe, especially those who are conscientious and honorable. Strengthen them when they are weary; give them the fortitude to be men and women of genuine integrity; surround them with decent and upstanding staff. And through their work may our common life together become increasingly healthy so that “we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” For this is good, and it is pleasing in your sight, O God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2.2-4). O Lord, hear our prayer.

Again compassionate God we implore you for rain. Please adjust and attune the jet streams and weather patterns that our lands, crops, cattle, springs and aquifers may be replenished. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord God: death, disease, drought and dastardly deeds are afflicting many lands. Governments, bandits, gluttonous institutions, along with starving and desperate people are spreading these across borders, making things worse here and there. We pray for real remedies, and we ask you to bring about righteous restoration; for the good of all, and especially for the welfare of your Church.  O Lord, hear our prayer.

We beseech you on behalf of your church throughout the world, as well as Grace Baptist Church; Grace Community Baptist; Grace and Glory Baptist; Grace Missionary Baptist; Grace Place Baptist; Grace Pointe Baptist; and Graceway Baptist church: That you would KEEP your Church by your perpetual mercy: and, because the frailty of man without you cannot but fall, keep us ever by your help from all things hurtful, and lead us to all things profitable to our salvation, and our glorifying and enjoying (from the “Book of Common Prayer”). O Lord, hear our prayer.


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