Critical Crossroads - Jeremiah 15.16

Critical Crossroads Jeremiah 15.10-21 “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts” (Jeremiah 15.16). God’s daughters and sons may well find themselves in tight places, difficult spaces, and hard races , and wanting to put words to their anguish; and that’s where we find Jeremiah in this passage where he is at a critical crossroads. My first three points are primarily to give you the texture and atmosphere of this passage. But I am going to land on v.16 toward the end, which is where I’m going. Grievance (15.10-18): Jeremiah has a problem. He’s the bearer of bad news; in fact his whole ministry has been and will be characterized by the shape of condemnation, correction, confrontation and conflict. His life is being threatened (Chapter 11 and 20); his friends are few; his “pulpit” will be taken away; and his reputation railed against. The vast majority o...