A Minister’s Yearning and Congregation’s Reveling: Philippians 1.25-26

A Minister’s Yearning and Congregation’s Reveling: Philippians 1.25-26 I’m taking the adults of our congregation through Philippians over the next several weeks. While reading, meditating, pondering and reflecting on that particular letter, a concept slowly rose up and slid its tentacles around my mind. I find this two-pronged thought needling me day and night. It is related to something I wrote back in July 2014, “A Minister’s Glory and Joy,” [1] but it goes a bit further and maybe a bit deeper. It’s found in the middle Philippians 1.25-26: “Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus , because of my coming to you again.” As I stated, it is a two-pronged thought that covers a minister’s yearning and a congregation’s reveling. A Minister’s Yearning The mission or purpose of every minister of Jesus Christ is to declare the praises and g...