"An Infinite Fountain of Light" by George Marsden. A Review

An Infinite Fountain of Light: Jonathan Edwards for the Twenty-First Century George Marsden IVP Academic www.ivpress.com ISBN: 9781514006627; 176 pages; June 2023; $26.00 A few years ago, I was invited to a Christian school to do a class on Jonathan Edwards’s notable sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” It was an intriguing class, interacting with teenagers who were trying to get their heads around Edwards’s perspective and position. After what I thought was a fairly successful class, I was saddened that the only thing these teens would likely remember Edwards for is that sermon. And then recently I have seen him receive another black eye from some, because he owned African slaves. Rarely do most people know that Edwards was a very compassionate man and preached with a view to the compassion of God. And rarely do most recall that he actually addressed the underlying racism in American slavery and laid some of the groundwork what would later turn sl...