
Showing posts from February 20, 2022

A Prayer for Times Like These

Here's a little exercise with a prayer for times like these. This prayer comes from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, 8th Sunday after Epiphany. I've modified it a smidgen.    O Most loving heavenly Father, who desires us  to give thanks for all things,  to fear nothing but you, and  to cast all our care on you who cares for us:  Preserve us from faithless fears and worldly anxieties, and grant that no clouds of this mortal life may hide from us the light of your immortal love which you have manifested toward us in your well-beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. I often spend time in the three bullet-points, confessing how I have often done the opposite of what God desires in these three areas.  Then I dwell on what the "faithless fears and worldly anxieties" look like in my life or others. Finally, I ponder God's "immortal love" manifested in his well-beloved S...

"O God our Father..." - 20 February 2022

  O God our Father, we implore you to make us a holy, joy-filled people in our homes, occupations, and our various networks of friends. May those who are married be free of strife, pettiness, and fear; may those who are single be chaste and holy, enjoying you in their God-ward singleness; may the children grow stronger in grace and wisdom, loving you all their days while obeying and honoring their parents; may the parents raise their children in faithfulness and godliness; and may the elderly flourish in God-given strength, patience, and sound-mindedness. Also please help us to be the kind of church that is instrumental in drawing the straying back to Christ and his church and bringing unbelievers to be born again by trusting in your Son Jesus Christ. Hear us as we recall some of their names to you (…). O God our Father, we pray for your Church in all nations, and these churches in the OKC area: Crossroads of Life Church, Eastern Ave Baptist Church, Eastwood Baptist and Emmanuel ...