"A Week in the Life of Ephesus" by David A. deSilva. A Review

Stop the presses! Hold your horses! Cease fire! Power off those computers, iPads, and cellphones (after you read this review and purchase a copy of this book)! David A. deSilva, Trustees' Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Greek at Ashland Theological Seminary and prolific author, has given pastors, professors and parishioners a delightful resource in this new 176-page softback, "A Week in the Life of Ephesus". It's the latest addition to the "A Week in the Life of" series put out by IVP Academic. And this little volume is well worth setting everything else aside and diving in! The manuscript reads like a novella, and draws one into the social, civic and ceremonial life in Ephesus just at the time "The Apocalypse" was sent to the seven churches. This is what makes it such a uniquely valuable resource. It may not give you all the inner secrets of John's Revelation, but it will give you a believable feel for the thinking, perspectives,...