Aging and "The Eternal Weight of Glory"

I have been working at memorizing all eighteen verses of 2 Corinthians 4. The whole chapter is about Paul’s ministry, which is a gift of God (v.1). Because of this he responds by exhibiting integrity in what he does (v.1-2) knowing that the devil is involved in trying to block his work (v.3-4), but the message must go out with Jesus as the heart of the gospel (v.5) because God is at work in it all (v.6). Then he explains that his work, though difficult at times, still goes on by the living power of Christ’s death and resurrection (v.7-12). And he is confident that all he does will be for the good of the Corinthian church and the glory of God (v.12-15). As important as verses 1-15 are, it’s the final verses (v.16-18) I want to dwell on a bit. Paul is still talking about his ministry. But it appears that Paul’s health is beginning to show the marks of the abuse he has received: “ So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is bei...