The Righteous Shall Live By His Faith (Devotion)

Over the past three months I’ve been working on memorizing Habakkuk 3.17-19a. I’m not there yet, but one of the benefits of weekly working on this passage is that it gives me generous times of reflection. Below are some of my ruminations that have come from working on these verses. To begin with, two of Habakkuk’s three chapters are deliberations between Yahweh and the prophet. In chapter one Habakkuk is fed up with the immorality among his people and he tells God so. The LORD responds by saying he’s bringing judgment and the instrument of his justice will be brutal, blasphemous Babylon. Habakkuk swallows hard, and then in vexation sputters out, “How can you do that?! How can you use a thoroughly immoral and god-hating nation like Babylon to inflict justice on your people who are still more righteous than those pagans?” God responds in chapter two with two sets of answers. The final (and longest answer) is that Babylon will be brought down in judgment one day as well. But his ...