"Glory Be to God on High, and On Earth..." - 22 December 2024

Glory be to God on high: and on earth peace, good will towards men. We praise you; we bless you; we worship you; we glorify you; we give thanks to you for your great glory! O Great King and Sovereign look upon our country and the nations of this world and move over the plans and intentions of our Oklahoma State Senators and Judiciary. May all come to know your peace on earth, becoming men and women of goodwill. O God of armies send forth your hosts to preserve and protect our greater Oklahoma City area firefighters, police officers, Sheriffs, deputies, troopers, and our military members, particularly those who are close to danger, at home or abroad . Yahweh Rapha, Lord our healer, sustain and direct our doctors, PAs, nurses, First Responders, and specialists – especially those who are on call or working now and throughout this Christmas season. Thank you for their help and availability; and may they know they are appreciated. LORD God whose steadfast love is great above the heavens; w...