Revival and Reformation Pt 7: 1 Chronicles 14

{ You can listen to the sermon here } --- Revival and Reformation Pt 7 1 Chronicles 14 Repentant Restoration on the Way to Reformation Lord God, bring your searching Spirit to examine the deep, dank, dark places of our hearts and lives, and then move our hearts with the hopefulness of this chapter, for the sake of your well-beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord! In my experience over the years I have noticed that when things blow up, when life becomes filled with hurt or trauma, many people look for help – but the help they seem to want is an emotional or spiritual Tylenol – pain-reliever, not problem-fixing. “Pastor/Dr./Counselor, Help! I need you to relieve my pain. What? How dare you tell me to change! How dare you point out that my lifestyle/habits/actions are the problem! Who made you my judge?!” Chapter 14, coupled with 13 is about - not pain-relief, but problem-fixing. We ended chapter 13 trembling with David before the holiness of God. But also we were left ...