"Perichoresis and Personhood" by Charles C. Twombly. A Review

Perichoresis and Personhood: God, Christ, and Salvation in John of Damascus Charles C. Twombly Pickwick Publications (imprint of Wipf and Stock) www.wipfandstock.com ISBN: 9781620321805; $16; February 2015 4 or 5 Stars Most Christians in Church or parishioners in the pews have never heard of perichoresis . To them it will likely sound like a bad skin disease. But hopefully most pastors, theologians and Church history buffs are at least mildly familiar with the concept, recognizing that it is an extremely important notion with regard to the inner life of the Trinity. Charles C. Twombly, a historical theologian who has taught in several seminaries and has been published in Crux , Christianity Today and First Things , has pulled together a new addition to the Princeton Theological Monograph Series with his 132 page paperback, "Perichoresis and Personhood: God, Christ, and Salvation in John of Damascus." This densely argued work lays out John of Damascus'...