"In a Gender-Confused Culture" by Gary Yagel. A Review.

This simple 105-page paperback addresses the gender-confusion of our age at two significant levels. The first has to do with same-sex attractions, etc. The second has to do with how we work out our sex as males, and as females. The author, Gary Yagel, founder and director of Family Builders, addresses both issues from a biblical perspective and a complementarian frame of reference. The whole aim of the work is to aid parents and grandparents in communicating this biblical, complementarian framework to our teenagers, who are being hit hard by the current social rush toward casting off all boundaries regarding our sex and sexuality. Yagel makes several helpful observations that speak graciously to our moment, and especially to our children and grandchildren. The author is careful to encourage a healthy approach in communication, as well to motivate readers in being perceptive and listen well to the younger people in their lives. I appreciated the author's awareness of the Gnostic t...