"Simplified Tai Chi for Beginners - Learn the 48 Form" by Helen Liang. A Review.

Simplified Tai Chi for Beginners – Learn the 48 Form (DVD) Helen Liang YMAA Publication Center, Inc. PO Box 480 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 www.ymaa.com ISBN: 978-1-59439-289-4; March 2016; $29.95 5 stars of 5 The graceful, flowing, effortless moves in tai chi are beginning to attract American attentions. Schools promising to teach tai chi are cropping up throughout the nation, showing up even in adult living centers. Helen Liang, eldest daughter of Grandmaster Liang, vice-president of the the Shou-Yu Liang Wushu Taiji Qigong Institute in Canada, and cancer survivor, has recently teamed up with Yang’s Martial Arts Association to produce a 180 minute DVD for level 1 students, “Simplified Tai Chi for Beginners: Learn the 48 Form.” In this DVD, Liang introduces this tai chi form, describing how it is mainly drawn from the Yang style, while including steps from Chin, Wu, Hao and Sun. Most Americans are unfamiliar with the Taoist and Buddhist aspects of Kung Fu and Tai...