
Showing posts from September 2, 2012

Considerations on Church-Renewing Movements 3

Analogies can be helpful tools for teaching new concepts, transferring perceptions from one person to the next, or opening up a new awareness to ideas not seen before. William Abraham (“ The Logic of Renewal ”), in trying to pierce into the heart of renewal movements and their unexamined assumptions, moves to a medical analogy. “3. Proposals about renewal invariably follow a simple pattern. They propose a description of the life of the church that depicts what is flawed in one way or another – we are told that the church is diseased or sick in some crucial respect. This leads to a diagnosis as to why the flaw or set of flaws has developed – we are given an account of the etiology of the sickness of the church. Finally, there is a prescription as to how to put things right – we are offered an account of the medicine that we need to take if the church is to be cured” (p. 3-4). This medical analogy is helpful in thinking about how renewal movements view an existing church structure...